Science 360

This app provides easy access to science videos and images from around the world. Content is collected from universities and videos.


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What is Signal?

Mark Zuckerberg was just one of the 533 million users whose personal data was stolen by hackers. ...

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Will we one day travel with floating capsules?

In the desert north of Los Vegs, we can see a metal pipe at the foot of the mountains that could ...

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Why Are Cheap Cars Disappearing from the Market?

Cheap Cars are being slowly pushed off the market in the last few years. You might have noticed t...

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Creepy VR Headset Ads – Innovation or Horror?

This is not something we were prepared for yet. Virtual Headset is now equipped not with new cool...

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AI as a Therapist: Navigating the Future of Mental Health Support

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly bei...

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Breaking Bad: Internet Habits to Avoid for a Healthier Online Experience

In the fast-paced digital age, our internet habits play a crucial role in shaping our online expe...

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Recognizing the Warning Signs: When It's Time for a New Cell Phone

In the fast-paced world of technology, cell phones play a central role in our daily lives. Howeve...

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Can Technology Get You to Eat Less?

According to the new research, the use of technology such as cell phones, tablets, or laptops can...

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Why do manufacturers release new phones every year - with almost no changes?

Every year, we see new models of phones popping up in the market and it can be exhausting. These ...

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Four handy tips for Gmail users

This is a little advisor - or reminder - of a few Gmail features that most people haven't turned ...

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How to save and reduce fuel consumption?

Fuel prices, especially in recent months, we can safely say, are going wild. Every few days we re...

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Things related to cars become obsolete in just a few years

In the car industry, we can see how technology progressing in the last ten years. From year-to-ye...

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Setting up your crypto wallet

The perfect place for saving your crypto value is in the crypto wallet. At this moment we can see...

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How to buy non-fungible tokens?

For NFT we can say that this is the biggest crypto story. And even if NFT isn’t Amazon, you...

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Smart contract and programing language

Ethereum offers two different types of accounts. One of them is externally owned and the other a ...

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5 Car Engine Sounds You Should Never Ignore

Car Engine Sounds can mean a lot of things. After some time, you’ll get used to the particu...

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How to Choose Motherboard for Your PC

How to Choose a Motherboard that is perfect for your computer? It’s no easy task and someti...

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Which Tesla Car is Best For You

Tesla is constantly expanding its offer but today, we will fo...

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Hydrogen Cars – Could They Replace Electric Motors

As the world is looking to turn away from fossil fuels to mor...

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Could Jaguar and Land Rover become History?

Jaguar and Land Rover are two of the most iconic brands in the automotive industry. Each of them ...

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How Many Cars Needs to be Crashed in Safety Tests?

Safety Tests are something that saves lives. We all depend on it every day in the case of a car c...

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Push Bubble - anti-stress hit

Do you remember the spinner fidget and how much they drove the world crazy? Not only the little o...

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Discover These INSANE Facts About Cars

Since the end of the nineteenth century, we can enjoy the charm of cars. Since that time everythi...

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The Best Tesla Model - Personal Guide

Which Tesla Model is the best for you? Tesla is constantly expa...

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Banana as a Gaming Console?

Sony makes a new system that turns any item into a game console controller. Even a banana can be ...

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Let’s go on Vacation to Space!

In a few years, the construction of the first hotel in the space should begin. If you decide to g...

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New Generation of Consoles Will be Fantastic, Returnal Proves It

Some of you may disagree with this statement, but the new generation of Sony consoles has the bes...